

Dr. 多西·马里昂·威金斯 was born December 9, 1895 in Crowley, Louisiana. 很小的时候, 他和父母一起搬到了加拿大, 德州, 他在哪里接受的小学和中学教育. 他上的是晚安专科学校, 转到中文博彩平台, where he graduated magna cum laude and received his bachelor’s degree in 1919.

Afterward he moved to Burkburnett where he served a dual role as principal and coach at the high school. 他曾在美国服役.S. Army during World War I, and following the war, served as principal and coach at Vernon for a year. 然后他回到了加拿大, where he was principal and coach for two years before becoming superintendent.

1925年至1930年间. 威金斯在耶鲁大学获得硕士学位, 他在芝加哥大学完成了研究生工作, 回到耶鲁攻读博士学位.D.

He was Dean of Students and Professor of Education at Hardin-Simmons from 1926 to 1935, 他在哪里鼓励学生展望未来. 在1929年的年鉴中, 引用他的话说, “一个新的发展时代正在到来,后来对学生说, “It is the purpose of Hardin-Simmons University to assist men and women in adjusting themselves to a new civilization. The University expresses the hope that learnings acquired on her campus may benefit you in your attack on your frontier.”

他是真理和自由的坚定拥护者. When returning to the HSU campus in 1949 to speak at the dedication ceremonies for the Sandefer Memorial Building, 在奠基仪式上, 他说, “It would be fitting for us to dedicate this building and ourselves to the eternal quest for truth and freedom which Dr. Sandefer不断追求.1934年的年鉴中写道. Wiggins this honor: “His tireless efforts to build and foster a spirit of cooperation, 团结, and independence among Simmons students have won the gratitude and respect of all alike. His fair, manly example has made him an inspiration to the students with whom he comes in contact.”

In 1935 he was named president of 德州 College of Mines and Metallurgy (now University of 德州 at El Paso), a position he held until being named president of 德州 Tech University in 1948.

During his tenure as president of 德州 Tech from 1948 to 1952, the university saw great expansion in programs and in facilities. Eleven new buildings and five major additions were added during his administration and the Ph.D. 这个项目是建立起来的. Dr. Wiggins was a forward-thinking leader who could see far into the future with the courage to make decisions, 在当时并不总是很受欢迎, 这将为子孙后代带来成果. He saw to the practical need and future importance of landscaping the 德州 Tech campus. He launched Tech’s first major landscape improvement project and organized the university’s first sustained building program, turning a dirt-surfaced campus with just a few buildings into a hard-surfaced complex.

Dr. Wiggins resigned his position as president of 德州 Tech in 1952 to become associated with Citizens National Bank (later 德州 Commerce Bank). He served as president from 1960 to 1961, and became Chairman of the Executive Committee in 1962. 他一直是董事会成员,直到去世.

Dr. Wiggins was a member of the boards of the 德州 Tech Foundation, 中文博彩平台董事会, 德州医学研究基金会委员会, and the Coordinating Board of 德州 College and University Systems. He served as director of the West 德州 Chamber of Commerce and as president of the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce.

Dr. Wiggins was listed in Who’s Who in Commerce and Industry and in the Biographical Encyclopedia of the World. 1943年,他被授予LL级勋章.D. 1953年,他获得了荣誉学士学位.D. 来自德州理工大学. He received the Hardin-Simmons University Keeter 校友 Service Award in 1966.

Dr. 1918年,威金斯与温妮·金纳德结婚. Following her death in 1975, he married Louise Resley in 1977. 他没有孩子.

Dr. Wiggins was described by the 德州 Tech Dean of Students who worked with him as, “不是个大个子, 身体上的. Short and trim, and dapper as to dress, he bristled with energy. 他一进房间你就注意到他了. 他似乎总是觉得有点好笑, his light and ready chuckle the sound effect for his concluding remarks.”

多西·马里昂·威金斯 died September 1, 1978 at the age of 82. Dr. Wiggins left his mark on generations of students challenging them to look to their future.

It is the high honor of Hardin-Simmons University to recognize one of her own and to formally induct Dr. 玛丽昂·威金斯进入哈佛大学领袖大厅.